Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Backing up my homebrew packages

 `brew leaves -r`

brew bundle dump --file -

cordc-ama:homebrew gcastillo$ brew bundle dump --file -

tap "homebrew/bundle"

tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"

tap "homebrew/services"

tap "koekeishiya/formulae"

brew "ansible"

brew "awscli"

brew "bandwhich"

brew "bash"

brew "btop"

brew "chrome-cli"

brew "ctop"

brew "dog"

brew "duf"

brew "git"

brew "glab"

brew "gnupg"

brew "go"

brew "gping"

brew "htop"

brew "jq"

brew "lsd"

brew "md5sha1sum"

brew "micro"

brew "mysql-client"

brew "navi"

brew "neofetch"

brew "netcdf"

brew "nmap"

brew "ntopng"

brew "qemu"

brew "ranger"

brew "rclone"

brew "rsync"

brew "sniffnet"

brew "topgrade"

brew "tree"

brew "wget"

brew "koekeishiya/formulae/skhd"

brew "koekeishiya/formulae/yabai"

cask "1password-cli"

cask "aldente"

cask "alfred"

cask "alt-tab"

cask "apache-directory-studio"

cask "chrome-devtools"

cask "coconutbattery"

cask "discord"

cask "firefox"

cask "font-blex-mono-nerd-font"

cask "font-ibm-plex-mono"

cask "gimp"

cask "google-chrome"

cask "iterm2"

cask "keycastr"

cask "kitty"

cask "microsoft-remote-desktop"

cask "obsidian"

cask "rectangle"

cask "shottr"

cask "signal"

cask "slack"

cask "speedcrunch"

cask "temurin"

cask "thunderbird"

cask "wezterm"

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Filesystem full due to yum tmp files in /var/tmp/yum*

I tried
export TMPDIR=/tmp
yum clean all
yum clean metadata
yum clean cache


rm -rf /var/tmp/yum-p9-AX3vz3/

It was taking up ~41GB of space

Saturday, November 19, 2016

one-liner to make a script that creates posters for training videos with graphical text

one-liner to make a script that creates posters for training videos with graphical text

gabe@linux-ltcu:/data/tech> ls -1d Adv* | awk '{BASE="$0" ; print "cd \""$BASE"\"; convert -background tan -fill brown -font Utopia -size 600x900 -border 60x0 -bordercolor tan -gravity Center caption:\""$BASE"\" poster.jpg; cd ../"}' >

Creating graphical text titles for Plex training extended personal media local media assets

gabe@linux-ltcu:~/testimages> convert -background brown -fill yellow  -font Utopia -size 600x800  -border 60x0 -bordercolor darkblue -gravity Center caption:"CBT Nuggets Photoshop for Developers"  CBT\ Nuggets\ Photoshop\ Developers.jpg

gabe@linux-ltcu:~/testimages> convert -background brown -fill yellow  -font Utopia -size 600x800  -border 60x0 -bordercolor darkblue -gravity Center caption:"CBT Nuggets PowerShell 3 Toolmaking  & Scripting"  CBT.Nuggets.PowerShell.3.Toolmaking.Scripting.gif 
gabe@linux-ltcu:~/testimages> convert -background brown -fill yellow  -font Utopia -size 250x350  -border 20x20 -bordercolor darkblue -gravity Center caption:"Cisco CCNA Data Center Unified Fabric UCS & Network Services"  Cisco.CCNA.Data.Center.United.Fabric.gif

Monday, April 12, 2010


I setup this blog to keep track of some of my novel and old-hat approaches to analyzing fMRI and other neuroimaging data. It's primarily for my own use to go back and see how things work, but if someone else finds it helpful, then all the better.